How to Create and Send Documents from HubSpot?

With the native integration of ZapSign and HubSpot, you can centralize business processes in a single tool.

Table of Contents

Create Document by Uploading the File

Create Document from a Template

Create Base Document for the Template

Create and Configure the Template in ZapSign

Create a Document from a Template in HubSpot

HubSpot Property Names


There are two alternatives for creating and sending documents: uploading the document to be signed or creating the document from a template and filling in the variable fields with HubSpot properties.

Create Document by Uploading the File

This option is ideal if you already have the final file that will be sent to the clients. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

1. Within HubSpot, navigate to the specific deal for which you want to create a document.
In the right-hand menu, look for the ZapSign option and click on Actions → Create Document via Upload.

crear documento zapsign hubspot

2. In the new window, follow the steps to create the document:

a. Upload the file in PDF or DOCX format. You can upload up to 10 documents for the signer to sign all at once.

b. Define the people who will sign the document. If you have contacts associated with the deal in HubSpot, the name and email information will be automatically filled in.

c. Position the signatures or initials of each signer (optional). Click on the position within the document where you want to place the signatures, initials, or texts. Select the signer and the field to be positioned. You can change the size, position, or duplicate the fields.

d. Send the document by email, WhatsApp, or copy the link to share it with the signers.

And that's it! Close the window and you can monitor the status of the document from HubSpot.

Create Document from a Template

A template is a standardized document with variable fields such as the signer's name, ID, or email address. Templates are powerful tools for automating document creation by filling in variable fields with HubSpot properties (Contact, Deal, and Company). Before creating a document, it is necessary to create and configure the template in ZapSign:

Create Base Document for the Template

1. The base document for creating the template must be in DOCX format. The template's variable fields should be in the format  {{field_name}}. To ensure the variable field is linked to a HubSpot property, it should have the name of the HubSpot property, for example, {{Contact.firstname}}.

2. You can find the names of HubSpot properties in Settings → Data Management → Properties. Select the Object (Contact, Deal, or Company) of the property, click on the property name, and in the <> icon, copy the internal name, which will be the property name. The variable field in the template should have the format object.propertyname, for example, {{Contact.firstname}}, {{Deal.dealname}}.

Create and Configure the Template in ZapSign

1. Log in to your ZapSign account ( and click on "Templates" in the left side menu.

2. Click the "+ Create Template" button and select the "DOCX Template" option.

3. Define the template name and upload the DOCX file created in the previous step. Click "Continue," and the template will be created.

4. (Optional) To configure the template, click on "Configure Template":

a. Edit Signers: Select the signer's authentication method and which variable fields of the template are associated with the signer's name or email address. Position the signatures/initials within the document.

b. Destination Folder: If you want documents created from the template to be saved in a specific folder, select that folder.

c. Configure Form: If you want the signer to complete some variable fields, configure this section. Define the field name the signer will see and if there will be any field validation (e.g., email format).

d. Advanced Options: Configure the document language, people who will receive a copy of the signed document, or redirect signers to a webpage.

Create a Document from a Template in HubSpot

1. In HubSpot, navigate to the specific deal for which you want to create a document.

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2. In the right menu, find the ZapSign option and click on Actions → "Send from template."

3. Select the template you created in the previous step and click "Continue."

4. A window will appear with the information of the variable fields associated with HubSpot properties. Review the fields and complete the missing ones. Click "Continue" to create the document.

Tip: If any variable field in the template is left empty, the signer will need to complete those fields when opening the document to sign it.

5. Choose how the document will be sent to the signer (WhatsApp, email, or copy the link).


That's it! Close the window, and you can monitor the document's status from HubSpot.

HubSpot Property Names

To facilitate template creation, here is a list of default HubSpot property names


First Name Contact.firstname
Last Name Contact.lastname


Industry Company.industry
Address Company.address


Name Deal.dealname
Description Deal.description
Amount Deal.amount
Currency Deal.dealcurrencycode