Authentication Method: Facial Recognition

Verify the authenticity of your signers and prevent fraud during the signing of your documents!

Prove the authenticity of your signers and prevent fraud when signing your documents!

The facial recognition authentication method in ZapSign adds an extra layer of security to the electronic signing process, ensuring that the person signing is the same as the one in the identity document and is present at the time of signing. Below, we explain how it works and the benefits of this method.

How Does Facial Recognition Work?

During the signing process, the signer must complete two key actions:

  1. Capture of the identity document: The signer takes a photo of both sides of their identity document.
  2. Video recording: The signer records a video of their face, which allows verification of their presence and comparison of their identity with the provided document.

This process validates two fundamental aspects:

  • Liveness: It verifies that the person is real and present at the time of signing. This is crucial for preventing fraud, ensuring that photos or pre-recorded videos are not used.
  • Match with the identity document: It compares the face from the video with the photo on the identity document, ensuring the person is the same.

It's important to note that this method does not validate the authenticity of the identity document, only the match between the person and the presented document. For a higher level of security, check out the "Identity Validation" authentication method.

Registration in the Signing Report

Once the authentication process and document signing are completed, the platform generates a signing report where the use of facial recognition is shown as an authentication point. Additionally, the photos of the identity document and a snapshot from the video recorded by the signer are attached, providing greater confidence in the validity of the signed document.

How to Activate the Facial Recognition Method?

When creating the document on ZapSign’s web platform, in the "Signers" stage, select the "Facial Recognition" option.

Cost and Availability

The facial recognition authentication method is available only for paid plans with credits and costs $0.50 USD per validation process.

For higher validation volumes, contact the ZapSign sales team by clicking here.

Tip! Click here to also see our article about Simple Selfie Authentication.