Authentication Method: Identity Verification

Identity validation is an additional authentication method that enhances the security of electronic document signing. This process increases the legal validity of a signed document by providing additional proof of the signer's identity. Through this validation, not only is it confirmed that the document has been signed, but that the person signing is truly who they claim to be, reducing the risk of fraud and boosting confidence in the document’s legality.

Why use additional authentication methods?

An electronic signature is an efficient alternative to a handwritten signature, but in certain contexts, it is recommended to implement additional security measures. Some sectors or countries require stricter standards, and additional authentication methods, such as document photo validation and facial recognition, enhance the legal validity of the electronic signature.

How does the identity validation process work?

When creating the document and activating the "Identity Verification" option as an additional method to validate the signer's identity, during the signing process, the signer must:

  • Take a photo of their identity document.
  • Record a video of their face (proof of life).

What is validated in the process?

  • The person is present and real.
  • The face matches the photo on the identity document.
  • The document is legitimate and unaltered.
  • The data extracted from the identity document matches the signer's information.
    • Name similarity is greater than 75%.

Where is this validation information recorded?

When signing the document in ZapSign, a Signature Report is included with all signing information, granting the document legal validity. This report records the signer’s data, such as name, email, device, and IP address. If authentication methods are enabled, the report will contain the information captured during the validation process. In the case of the "Identity Validation" method, the following will be recorded:

  • Data extracted from the document: Name, identity number, date of birth.
  • Image (front and back) of the identity document.
  • Face image.
  • Explanation of the validation process.

How to activate the validation method for the signer?

During document creation, select the advanced methods option and enable the "Identity Validation" option. Enter the signer's name as it appears on the identity document since it will be compared with the information extracted from the document photo.

Tip: Click the lock next to the signer's name so that they cannot change the name during the document signing.

How do we verify the authenticity of the document?

Using artificial intelligence, ZapSign verifies that the document has not been tampered with and is genuine through the following methods:

  • Image analysis: Physical alterations in the document, such as photo cutouts or text modifications, are detected.
  • Photocopies and falsified documents: The system identifies whether the document is a black-and-white or color photocopy or an image displayed on a screen.
  • Data consistency: The system validates that the document meets the expected format and security seals according to its type and country of origin and checks the document’s validity.
  • Validation with government databases. ZapSign offers the option to check the identity document number against government databases. This option is available in the following countries:
    • Chile: TransUnion and Civil Registry.
    • Colombia: National Registry (Cédula) and Migration Colombia.
    • Mexico: INE and RENAPO.
    • Peru: Integrated Health System (SIS), SuSalud, and National Jury of Elections (JNE).
These direct connections ensure that the identity document is authentic and registered in official government systems, providing an additional layer of trust in the electronic signature.