Among the many signing methods we have, choose the one you feel most comfortable with!
By "Authentication Methods" we mean the way your document will be signed, which can be via Signature on Screen, Code via Email, SMS Code and much more!
Signature on screen, for example, is the most used here on ZapSign because it resembles the handwritten signature on paper. However, for illiterate people, the Code via Email method might be more interesting as it does not require a handwritten signature.
All types of authentication are equally valid from a legal point of view and you can choose the one you and your signer feel most comfortable with or what best fits your use case.
Code via Email
Allow your signature to authenticate the document using a code sent to their phone!
1) After clicking on the Create document button and selecting the document to be signed, activate the "Advanced Authentication" button.
2) Select the option “Code via Email” in the authentication method so that the signer receives this code as a text message.

Upon receiving the signature link, reviewing the document and clicking on “sign”, the signer will need to confirm or fill in the fields with their data and, soon after, a screen asking for the code sent via Email.
Just click "finish" and that's it, your document will be authenticated with this layer of validation and security.
If you want the signer to authenticate via E-mail Code but do not give up the handwritten signature on the document, choose "Signature + Email" in the authentication method.
SMS Code
Here your signer can authenticate the document using a code sent to their phone!
1) After clicking on the Create document and selecting the document to sign, activate the "advanced authentication" button.
2) And choose the option "SMS Code” in the authentication method so that your signer will receive this code as a text message.
Upon receiving the signature link, reviewing the document and clicking on “sign”, the signatory will need to confirm or fill in the fields with their data and, soon after, a screen asking for the code sent via SMS.
Just click "finish" and that's it, your document will be authenticated with this layer of validation and security.
If you want the signer to authenticate via SMS Code but do not give up the handwritten signature on the document, choose "Signature + SMS" in the authentication method.