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How to place signatures?

Learn how to place your signers' signature correctly in the document.

After including the signer in the document and clicking "continue", you have the option to place the signatures or continue without placement (keeping the signatures only in the Signatures Report).

On the placement screen, you can also edit your document by changing the PDFs/docx file you uploaded and editing the signers. Just click “Edit document” on the screen.

To place the signatures, you will need to click on the specific location where you want the signer to sign and choose between the "Initials" or "Signature" options.

If you want to replicate the signatures on the following pages of the document, just turn-on the option “COPY ON THE NEXT PAGES”. It is also possible to resize the signature frame by clicking on the lower right corner of the signature frame.

You can also include additional information to the document by choosing the “TEXT” option. 

Now, just click "Save and continue" and share the link of the new document.

Repositioning Signatures

Forgot to position the signatures beforehand or they weren't position in the desired location? Don't worry! You can still change the position of the signatures even after everyone has signed

1) Click on the "Documents" section in your side menu.

2) Select the specific document

3) Click on the "Gear" icon and click on the "Reposition fields" option.

repositioning signatures

4) If you have already positioned the signatures, simply left-click on the signature boxes and drag them to the desired location.

Click on the "↕" icon in the lower right corner of the box to resize the signature, as shown in the example below:

repositioning signatures signed document

5) Click on the "Save and continue" and then go to "Download document" to access the document with the new placements!